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Turn what customers want into reality

Background of customer's demand: The customer wants to find a suitable packaging for his new product. At the beginning, the customer provided a more common bottle type as the search direction. After many sample supply communications, the customer hand painted his imaginary bottle type to us.

What kind of service do we provide to our customers?

1.  Effect drawing making: In view of the preliminary idea of the customer, in order to save time for both parties, we will make 3D and 2D effect drawings of the product;

2. Adjustment scheme: by restoring the customer's demand 1:1, analyze the possible problems of the bottle, such as the size of the pump and the bottle does not match, the capacity does not meet the customer's requirements, and then give the customer the adjusted scheme.



3. Supporting appropriate public model products: according to the product effect and size confirmed with the customer, cooperate with our huge public model product resources to give the customer three effect schemes. Finally, the customer confirmed the public model product closest to the scheme in his mind.

Conclusion: The effective combination of public mold products can save the cost of mold opening for customers, and the quality control in the production process will be more stable with the mutual cooperation of mature products.

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